INCHES is a global network that wants to protect children’s health around the world. The participants in the network want to cooperate with a wide range of stakeholders on many different topics.
Any organisation that wants to join the network can write an email stating that thir organisation endorses the mission statement of INCHES. There are no fees required for joining the network.
The mission of INCHES is to promote healthy and supportive environments that protects the fetus and child from environmental and safety hazards.
Partners from all regions of the world will work together within the framework of the network to achieve the following goals:
1) increase understanding of and accord on how environmental factors influence child health;
2) create a global clearinghouse of research and information on children’s environmental health;
3) educate and facilitate information exchange on the best practices and policies in children’s environmental health;
4) identify information gaps and stimulate to new research; and
5) advocate for children’s environmental health in the intergovernmental arena.
INCHES will function as a coordinating structure for organizations and individuals involved with children’s environmental health. Members will include: national and international professional associations, research and policy institutes, advocacy organizations, universities, parents’ and children’s organizations, national and intergovernmental agencies, and individuals. INCHES will reflect the perspectives of a wide spectrum of professions on the relationships between environment, health and children.
INCHES will provide a strong voice at the global level to promote the protection of children from environmental and safety hazards. This voice will represent many interests and will speak from the experience and expertise of members of the network, of science and of the best practices in policies and programmes.
The Internet will provide a platform for many of INCHES’ activities. Through a Web site and extensive on-line communication, INCHES will create bridges among members in various regions and will increase the accessibility of information on children’s environmental health. The use of the Internet is developing rapidly, but the distribution of hardware and software and thus the accessibility is uneven. INCHES will assist under-served regions and population groups that are lacking in electronic capabilities in their efforts to obtain access to the Internet.
If you endorse this mission statement and write us an email about this then we will add your organisation to our list of supporters and keep you informed on any activities.